Save & Grow PPR Fund

Be free.

Set Sail.

Home sweet home.

Magna cum laude.

Take control of your future. Invest in the Save & Grow PPR Fund and build a safe and prosperous life.

O FUNDO em números

Em ...
A classe de risco de um fundo de investimento (entre 1 a 7) é um indicador do seu nível de volatilidade de preço. Quanto maior a classe de risco, maior o potencial de valorização da carteira de ativos a longo prazo , mas também maior o potencial de se virem a registar perdas em prazos de investimento curtos.

Classe Founders

Em ...
Desde 01 Out 2020
Em yyyy

Classe Prime

Em ...
Desde 07 Out 2021
Em yyyy






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Por imposição do regulador, as rentabilidades apresentadas referem-se ao último fecho trimestral, no estrito cumprimento das orientações da ESMA (European Securities and Markets Authority) vertidas no documento ESMA34-45-1445.
As rentabilidades apresentadas do Fundo Save & Grow PPR são líquidas de comissões de gestão e de depósito, de custos de transação, custos de contabilidade e auditoria e de taxas de supervisão. Os valores divulgados representam dados passados, não constituindo garantia de rentabilidade futura. Impende sobre o investidor o eventual pagamento de impostos sobre as mais valias aquando do resgate. O investimento no Fundo Save & Grow PPR pode implicar a perda de capital investido.

Why the Save & Grow PPR Fund?

100% equities
The fund is fully invested in equities, the asset class which has best rewarded investors capital over the past 120 years
- Dimson, E., Marsh, P. e Staunton, M. (2002). Triumph of the Optimists: 101 Years of Global Investment Returns. Princeton University Press.
- Dimson, E., Marsh, P. e Staunton, M. (2024). Global Investment Returns Yearbook 2024. UBS.
- Siegel, J.J. (2022). Stocks for the Long Run: The Definitive Guide to Financial Market Returns & Long-Term Investment Strategies (6ª. Ed.). McGraw Hill.
Value investing
The fund follows a value investment philosophy
Tax benefits
Investors in the fund benefit from a favorable tax regime which allows for long term value creation
Alignment of interests
The fund is managed by Casa de Investimento’s investment team whose savings are also invested in the fund

What are the tax benefits?

Lower capital gains tax

After 8 years the capital gains tax reduces to 8.6% versus 28% for standard investment products. If invested for less than 5 years, gains are taxed at 21.5%. If invested between 5 and 8 years, capital gains are taxed at 17.2%. Capital gains tax is only due when you redeem your investment in the fund.

Tax free allowance

Annual investments in a PPR can be used for income tax deduction purposes. Redemptions may be subject to loss of tax benefits. If you used your PPR for tax deduction purposes you may be required by law to repay any accrued benefits to the tax authorities.  

Investment horizon *

<5 years

5 to 8 years

> 8 years

Within the conditions set out by law



Outside the conditions set out by law




Law No. 19/2022 of October 21 establishes, in its Article 10, an exceptional regime for the withdrawal of PPR´s, in place until December 31, 2024.

* As stated in Article 4 of Decree-Law No. 158/2002 of July 2 or on page 23 of the Prospect


Minimum investment

Maximum tax allowance

Under 35 years old



Between 35 and 50 years old



Over 50 years old and not retired



How does it work?

Small initial investment

Minimum Initial investment of 1.000 euros

Direct Debit

Possibility of setting up a regular direct debit from 100 euros

100% online

Open your account online (requires access to a camera)

24/7 account management

View your balance, subscribe, or redeem your investment through our digital platform

Value Investing

We invest in a small number of global businesses that have durable competitive advantages, a proven management team and favorable growth tailwinds.

Alignment of interests

Casa de Investimentos is an independent investment manager fully owned by its founders. We are committed to creating long term value for our Clients.

Transparent communication

Our relationship with Clients is built on trust and delivering on our promises. We communicate regularly and in a transparent manner, explaining our investment strategy and all the decisions we make.

Our team


In ...
Annualized return
Accumulated returns
Risk classification
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PPR Save & Grow Fund - Founders Share Class
MSCI World Eur
Annualized return
Accumulated returns
Risk classification
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PPR Save & Grow Fund - Prime Class
MSCI World Eur
As rentabilidades apresentadas são líquidas de comissões de gestão e de depósito, de custos de transação, custos de contabilidade e auditoria e de taxas de supervisão. Os valores divulgados representam dados passados, não constituindo garantia de rentabilidade futura. Impende sobre o investidor o eventual pagamento de impostos sobre as mais valias aquando do resgaste. O investimento no Fundo Save & Grow PPR pode implicar a perda de capital investido.
Source: Index values ​​extracted from the Bloomberg system

Client Testimonials

“As a recent client I can only express my trust in the team. Even during an unfavourable market environment, Casa de Investimentos is professional and aims to do the right thing”.
Customer since April 2022 - MRJ
Customer since April 2022 - MRJ
“Excellent team in all aspects: friendly, high quality and very professional”.
Francisco Sampaio (via Google)
Francisco Sampaio (via Google)
“I had aspired to be Casa de Investimento’s client for a very long time. I feel confident about their investment philosophy, values and work”.
Customer since November 2020
Customer since November 2020
“What gives us confidence during this environment is the fact we understand CASA’s investment strategy: buying high quality companies at a sensible price for the long term”.
Customer since September 2019
Customer since September 2019
“These are the moments where people’s true character is revealed. I have full confidence in CASA”.
Customer since October 2018
Customer since October 2018
“We remain confident and thank you for your transparency and service”.
Customer since January 2020
Customer since January 2020
“Another investment in myself. On route to achieving financial independence”.
Customer since September 2017
Customer since September 2017
“Focused, competent and trustworthy team. Creating long term, non-speculative value”.
Carlos Alba (via FB)
Carlos Alba (via FB)

Over 200 articles, thought pieces, interviews and public interactions

Frquently Asked Questions

What is the minimum amount required to open an Account?
Does the Fund charge redemption fees?
Can I transfer another PPR to Casa de Investimentos?
Can I open an account for my children?
What commissions does the fund charge?
What documents do I need to open an account?
Is this product right for me?
Can my employer contribute to my PPR?
What happens if I change employer?
Risk Classification
Is Casa de Investimentos a solid financial institution?
What happens to the fund if Casa de Investimentos ceases activity?
What can I expect from Casa de Investimentos?
What's the IBAN of the Save & Grow PPR Fund?
Posso utilizar o SPIN para fazer transferências para o Fundo Save & Grow PPR?
Qual é a diferença entre a Classe Founder e a Classe Prime do Fundo Save & Grow PPR ?
What happens if you change employers?
Are there any redemption fees?
Can I transfer other PPR (s) to Casa de Investimentos?
Can I open a PPR for my children?
What do I need to open the Account?
What are the annual commissions?
Is this product right for me?
Is Casa de Investimentos a solid financial institution?
What can I expect from Casa de Investimentos?

How can we help?

Contact us. Our team is available to answer your qestions.

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